Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Birthday

Happy New Year! January 1 also happens to be my husband's birthday. This year, he turned a whopping 33! Most years, we spend the day lounging around, not doing much, and recouping from the previous night's festivities. This year, I wanted to do something different. I wanted to do something to liven up the day for him. I searched and searched, and ended up settling on a scavenger hunt for him with the end being his gifts!

Below is a collection of each riddle he would have to find. Attached to each clue, I had a small present. Some were candy bars, beef jerky, and the last clue had a wine thermometer attached to it! The top of each clue named the room where I hid the clue. On the right of the clue is the place I would hide the following clue. I remembered helping my mom do this for my brother's birthday years and years ago, and it was very tricky making sure the clues were in the correct spots! So I tried making it as easy as possible on my end!

I taped this to the inside of the front door, so he saw it right away in the morning.

 Here he is looking for the first hidden clue. It was taped behind the tv. This one actually took him the longest!

 Graham showed him where this one was. I'm sure it would have taken him a while to find it if it wasn't shown to him!

 Here he is finding his actual birthday gifts!

From start to finish, it took him about 45 minutes to find all the clues and unwrap the small gifts, as well as his bigger gifts. It turned out really fun and gave us something more exciting to do than just hand him his gifts! I may make it a yearly game! 

If you have any questions as to what the clues read, leave me a comment and I can retype them out!
Happy Hunting!!

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